St. Peter's Catholic Church



Archbishop Hartmayer encourages prayers of reparation in response to ‘blasphemous’ inversion of the Mass 

St. Peter's LaGrange will have a Solemn Exposition and Eucharistic Holy Hour with Benediction on Friday, October 25th at 9PM in response to the above request.

(Please click headline to open the Archdiocese website article)



Mass Times on Friday, November 1st - All Saints:

9am at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Mission Church

12pm noon and 6pm at St. Peter's 

Saturday, November 2nd - All Souls' Day:

9am and 5pm at St. Peter's


To live, love, and learn the faith, and grow disciples of Christ.

We aspire to be a welcoming community of faith where Parishioners and newcomers feel enlivened, engaged, and spiritually nourished - among a community of friends that is central to their lives.


Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm 

Sunday: 8:00 am
Sunday: 11:00 am (bilingual June - August)
Sunday: 5:00 pm Spanish Mass (Sept - May)

Monday: 6:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am
Wednesday: 6:00pm
Thursday: No Liturgy
Friday: 12:00pm
1st Saturday: 9:00am



Monday - Friday:





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Offertory Renewal Program

“Cast Your Nets Into The Deep.”

Soon you will receive a newsletter introducing our Offertory renewal program “Cast Your Nets Into The Deep”. On Commitment Weekend, October 5/6, I invite each of you to participate in this important program and help us respond to God’s great gift of love. I ask that you please review this newsletter and prayerfully consider how you and your family can help St. Peter’s Catholic Church by renewing your annual commitment to financially support our ministries, further our mission, and reinforce our future.

We ask that all faithful parishioners complete a Commitment Card.  A card will be included along with the
newsletter for you to:

The back of the Commitment Card has a place for you to include any prayer intentions you wish to share.  We welcome all intentions and they will be prayed for collectively over the next few weeks.  If you would like to speak to a priest, please indicate so on your card and we will be in contact with you.

Our goal is 100% participation!  Thank you for your generosity and support of St. Peter’s! 

Programa De Renovación De Ofrendas

“Echad Vuestras Redes En Lo Profundo.”

Pronto recibirá un boletín informativo presentando nuestro programa de renovación del Ofertorio "Echa vuestras redes en lo profundo". En el fin de semana de compromiso, el 5 y 6 de octubre, los invito a cada uno de ustedes a participar en este importante programa y a ayudarnos a responder al gran don del amor de Dios. Le pido que revise este boletín y considere en oración cómo usted y su familia pueden ayudar a la Iglesia Católica de San Pedro renovando su compromiso anual para apoyar financieramente nuestros ministerios, promover nuestra misión y reforzar nuestro futuro.Para dar inicio a la campaña, Neson Castillo hablará este fin de semana durante la misa.

Pedimos que todos los feligreses completen una tarjeta de compromiso, la cual vendrá incluida en el folleto que se enviará por correo, y que la entreguen mediante una de las siguientes formas:

El reverso de la tarjeta de compromiso tiene un lugar para que incluyan cualquier intención de oración que deseen compartir. Recibiremos todas las intenciones y se orará colectivamente por ellas durante las próximas semanas. Si desea hablar con un sacerdote, por favor indíquelo en su tarjeta y nos pondremos en contacto con usted.¡Nuestro objetivo es el 100% de participación!

¡Gracias por su generosidad y apoyo a Iglesia Católica de San Pedro!



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Save the Date!

Taste of St. Peter’s! (Formerly known as International Night)

St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus and Council of Catholic Women are teaming up to bring you an unforgettable array of culinary magic performed by your fellow parishioners of St. Peter’s Catholic Church!

What: A sampling event where you can try many different ethnic foods

When: November 9, 2024

Time: 6:00PM

Where: St. Peter’s Parish Hall

Do you have a favorite ethnic dish that you would like to show off? Sign up to be one of the specialty chefs by contacting Louise Coniglio.