Faithful Servant Nomination

The St. Peter's Parish Pastoral Council invites all parishioners to submit nominations for the 2024 St. Peter's Faithful Servant Award. Nominations are open to any member of the Parish that you feel has been a faithful servant. To open the form please click HERE  and submit written nominations no later than Sunday, October 6, 2024. Individuals can only receive this award once in a lifetime so please see the list of previous recipients on the registration form.
Nominations should include the form as well as a written statement about the nominee following the guidelines. Nominations may be emailed to Jodi Mazzolini at jodimazzolini@yahoo.com or placed in a sealed envelope in the Parish Council mailbox across from the Parish offices. The Faithful Servant will be selected by vote at the October 2nd Parish Pastoral Council meeting. The recipient of the award will be announced at the Fall Festival on October 27, 2024.